Before you leave

Preparing for your vacation is not only about choosing your destination and booking your accommodation but also about considering what technical devices you bring and how to use them.

Update your devices and back up your data

Keep your devices up-to-date at all times, so they are less vulnerable to a cyberattack. Also, prepare for the worst: backup your data to have them even if your device is stolen or lost.

Keep the basic hygiene rules in mind

First, use strong-enough passwords on your devices and a secure swipe pattern lock on your smartphone. Second, set an automatic device lock asking for the access code after a specified time of inactivity. Delete apps you are no longer using. Take the minimum amount of data with you (on your devices) as possible. And last but not least, check your privacy settings on your apps and understand what data they can access on your device before downloading.

Consider turning off / not sending ‘Out of Office’ messages

Think twice before setting up your OOO (Out of Office) replies: the fewer people know you went on vacation, the better. If you want to send OOO messages, set up rules so only your colleagues got such replies. Do not forget: an automatic OOO response is a confirmation that your email address exists.

Get a VPN service to connect to from unknown WiFi networks

Set up a VPN service before travel (if you have not done it already): when at a hotel or café, you can seldom trust the Wi-Fi connection, so better be prepared with a VPN endpoint to connect to immediately when away from your office or home.